So I've had these sitting on my computer for a while now. Arrow digital paper - in 34 variations. This would be great for scrapbooking or product covers, don't ya think? Just click on the picture and it will take you to the product in my store.
Here are 84 borders and frames (frames have a white center). Just think of all the fun things you can do with these.
This is a fun item I've posted in my shop. I really like it because each poster has a definition plus pictures of books that are under that genre. AND... in the PDF file I've included Amazon links to those books, just in case you want to, you know, add to your copious collection.
I love these posters because after I put one of them up I had a few kiddos go searching through my library looking for the "Poster Books". It made me so happy to see their enthusiasm.
Are you the type of person that likes to put several posters up on a board? I've included the colorful letters that you see up above in the PDF too. So that way you can make a colorful title for your board!